
Items eligible for returns must have a receipt and be new, unused, and contain all original product tags, packaging and accessories. Items may not be washed, worn or soiled. We gladly accept returns within 30 days of purchase, unless otherwise specified. Certain items and extenuating circumstances are subject to special return policies and restocking fees, such as items not regularly stocked in store. Gift cards cannot be returned. If you experience a problem with the quality of an item after use, and no longer in new condition, your return must be submitted to the manufacturer.

Method of Payment:Type of Refund

Cash: cash
Check (within 10 Business Days): store credit
Check (after 10 Business Days): cash
Credit Card: refund to same card
Gift Cards: store credit

Final Sale

The following items are not eligible for a refund or exchange:

  • Stockings

  • Bathroom aides

  • Sterile products (if opened packaging)

  • Cushions/pillows (if opened packaging)

  • Clearance Items are final sales in all departments

  • Opened packages of personal hygiene items